# Copyright kubeinit contributors
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Define additional groups we will use
- name: Add all controller nodes to the all_controller_nodes group
name: "{{ item }}"
guest_name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}-{{ item }}"
group: all_controller_nodes
fqdn: "{{ item }}.{{ kubeinit_cluster_fqdn }}"
target: "{{ hostvars[item].target }}"
os: "{{ hostvars[item].os }}"
loop: "{{ groups['controller_nodes'][0:hostvars[kubeinit_cluster_name].controller_count|int] | default([]) | list }}"
- name: Add all compute nodes to the all_compute_nodes group
name: "{{ item }}"
guest_name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}-{{ item }}"
group: all_compute_nodes
fqdn: "{{ item }}.{{ kubeinit_cluster_fqdn }}"
target: "{{ hostvars[item].target }}"
os: "{{ hostvars[item].os }}"
loop: "{{ groups['compute_nodes'][0:hostvars[kubeinit_cluster_name].compute_count|int] | default([]) | list }}"
- name: Add all controller and compute nodes to the all_cluster_nodes group
name: "{{ item }}"
group: all_cluster_nodes
fqdn: "{{ hostvars[item].fqdn }}"
target: "{{ hostvars[item].target }}"
os: "{{ hostvars[item].os }}"
loop: "{{ groups['all_controller_nodes'] + groups['all_compute_nodes'] | default([]) }}"
- name: Add any extra cluster vm guest nodes to the all_extra_nodes group
name: "{{ item }}"
guest_name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}-{{ item }}"
group: all_extra_nodes
fqdn: "{{ item }}.{{ kubeinit_cluster_fqdn }}"
target: "{{ hostvars[item].target }}"
os: "{{ hostvars[item].os }}"
ram: "{{ hostvars[item].ram }}"
loop: "{{ groups['extra_nodes'] | default([]) | list }}"
when: kubeinit_cluster_distro in hostvars[item].when_distro
- name: Collect all cluster node hypervisors
all_cluster_hypervisors: "{{ all_cluster_hypervisors | default([]) | union([hostvars[item].target]) }}"
loop: "{{ groups['all_cluster_nodes'] + (groups['all_extra_nodes'] | default([])) }}"
- name: Show the before and after values of the hypervisors fact
msg: "{{ groups['kubeinit_hypervisors'] }} ==> {{ all_cluster_hypervisors }}"
# TODO: check later to see if this would be a useful optimization
# - name: Set all cluster hypervisors fact
# ansible.builtin.add_host:
# name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}"
# hypervisors: "{{ all_cluster_hypervisors }}"
- name: Add all service nodes to the all_service_nodes group
name: "{{ item }}"
guest_name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}-{{ item }}"
group: all_service_nodes
fqdn: "{{ item }}.{{ kubeinit_cluster_fqdn }}"
services: "{{ hostvars[item].services }}"
target: "{{ hostvars[item].target }}"
os: "{{ hostvars[item].os }}"
type: container
container_host: "{{ hostvars[item].target }}"
loop: "{{ groups['service_nodes'] | default([]) | list }}"
- name: Create tuples for each service and each service node providing that service
cluster_services: "{{ (cluster_services | default([])) + (item[0] | product([item[1]])) }}"
loop: "{{ groups['all_service_nodes'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'services') | zip(groups['all_service_nodes']) }}"
- name: Combine those tuples into dict of services and nodes providing that service
cluster_services_dict: "{{ (cluster_services_dict | default({})) | combine({item[0]: cluster_services_dict[item[0]] | default([]) + [item[1]]}) }}"
loop: "{{ cluster_services }}"
- name: Check for any services being provided on more than one service node
"You are not currently permitted to run the same service on more than one service node."
loop: "{{ cluster_services_dict | dict2items }}"
when: item.value | length > 1
- name: Use first service node if there is no assigned provision service node
cluster_services_dict: "{{ cluster_services_dict | combine({'provision': [groups['all_service_nodes'][0]]}) }}"
when: "'provision' not in cluster_services_dict"
- name: Flatten dictionary values into final form
all_cluster_services: "{{ (all_cluster_services | default({})) | combine({item.key: item.value[0]}) }}"
loop: "{{ cluster_services_dict | dict2items | flatten }}"
- name: Set fact for cluster nameserver
kubeinit_cluster_nameserver: "{{ hostvars[all_cluster_services['bind']].ansible_host }}"
when: "'bind' in all_cluster_services"
- name: Set all services cluster fact
name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}"
nameserver: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_nameserver | default(omit) }}"
services: "{{ all_cluster_services }}"
- name: Add all service and cluster nodes to the all_nodes group
name: "{{ item }}"
group: all_nodes
fqdn: "{{ hostvars[item].fqdn }}"
os: "{{ hostvars[item].os }}"
loop: "{{ groups['all_service_nodes'] + groups['all_cluster_nodes'] + (groups['all_extra_nodes'] | default([])) }}"
- name: Add all cluster hypervisors to the all_hosts group
name: "{{ item }}"
group: all_hosts
loop: "{{ groups['kubeinit_hypervisors'] }}"
when: >
item in hostvars[kubeinit_ovn_central_host_name].target or
item in groups['kubeinit_hypervisors']
- name: Add all hosts to the all_ovn_hosts group
name: "{{ item }}"
group: all_ovn_hosts
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] }}"
- name: Collect all of the localhost and hypervisor authorized keys into authorized_keys list
all_authorized_keys: "{{ (all_authorized_keys | default([])) | union([hostvars[item].authorized_key]) }}"
loop: "{{ ['localhost'] | union(groups['all_hosts']) }}"
- name: Set all hypervisor authorized keys cluster fact
name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}"
authorized_keys: "{{ all_authorized_keys }}"
- name: Add services guest and cluster nodes to the all_guest_vms group
name: "{{ item }}"
group: all_guest_vms
loop: "{{ groups['all_cluster_nodes'] + (groups['all_extra_nodes'] | default([])) }}"
when: hostvars[item].type == 'virtual'
- name: Collect all of the node aliases
all_node_aliases: "{{ (all_node_aliases | default([])) + ([item[0]] | product(item) | list) }}"
loop: "{{ groups['all_nodes'] | zip(groups['all_nodes'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'fqdn'), groups['all_nodes'] | map('extract', hostvars, 'ansible_host')) }}"
- name: Set all node aliases cluster fact
name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}"
node_aliases: "{{ all_node_aliases }}"