# Copyright kubeinit contributors
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Cleanup VMs created during task-deploy-cluster
- name: Get all the libvirt VMs
command: list_vms
register: _result_vms
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] }}"
loop_var: host
delegate_to: "{{ host }}"
- name: Collect all of the hypervisor running vms into hv/vm tuples
running_vms: "{{ (running_vms | default([])) + ([item.host] | product(item.list_vms) | list) }}"
loop: "{{ _result_vms.results }}"
- name: Generate a list of vm guest names to match
matching_vm_guest_names: "{{ (matching_vm_guest_names | default([])) | union([hostvars[item].guest_name]) }}"
loop: "{{ groups['all_guest_vms'] }}"
- name: Destroy vms
name: "{{ cluster_vm }}"
state: destroyed
loop: "{{ running_vms }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
cluster_vm: "{{ item[1] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: cluster_vm in matching_vm_guest_names or kubeinit_libvirt_destroy_all_guests
- name: Undefine vms
name: "{{ cluster_vm }}"
command: undefine
loop: "{{ running_vms }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
cluster_vm: "{{ item[1] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: cluster_vm in matching_vm_guest_names or kubeinit_libvirt_destroy_all_guests
- name: Remove VMs storage
state: absent
path: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_target_image_dir }}/{{ cluster_vm }}.qcow2"
loop: "{{ running_vms }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
cluster_vm: "{{ item[1] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: cluster_vm in matching_vm_guest_names or kubeinit_libvirt_destroy_all_guests
# Cleanup guest vm folders created during task-download-images
- name: Clean directories for config files per node
state: absent
path: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_hypervisor_tmp_dir }}/{{ guest_vm }}/"
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] | product(groups['all_guest_vms']) }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
guest_vm: "{{ hostvars[item[1]].guest_name }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
# Cleanup libvirt networks created during task-create-network
- name: Get all the libvirt networks
command: list_nets
register: _result_nets
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] }}"
loop_var: host
delegate_to: "{{ host }}"
- name: Destroy deployment networks
command: destroy
name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_network_name }}"
loop: "{{ _result_nets.results }}"
loop_var: result
delegate_to: "{{ result.host }}"
when: kubeinit_cluster_network_name in result.list_nets
- name: Undefine deployment networks
command: undefine
name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_network_name }}"
loop: "{{ _result_nets.results }}"
loop_var: result
delegate_to: "{{ result.host }}"
when: kubeinit_cluster_network_name in result.list_nets
- name: Remove the deployment networks
state: absent
name: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_network_name }}"
loop: "{{ _result_nets.results }}"
loop_var: result
delegate_to: "{{ result.host }}"
when: kubeinit_cluster_network_name in result.list_nets
# Cleanup OVN network resources for this cluster created during task-create-network
- name: Default is to remove the OVN network if it is no longer in use
kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network: true
- name: Delegate to ovn-central host
- name: Remove route for cluster network via br-ex
ansible.builtin.command: ip route del {{ kubeinit_cluster_network }} via dev br-ex
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
failed_when: _result is not defined
- name: Remove logical router port of the logical switch for this cluster
ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/ovn-nbctl --if-exists lrp-del lr0-sw-{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
- name: Remove switch for this cluster
ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/ovn-nbctl --if-exists ls-del sw-{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }}
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
- name: Wait for changes to propagate
ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/ovn-nbctl --wait=hv --timeout=30 sync
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
- name: See if any other networks are routing via br-ex
ansible.builtin.command: ip route list dev br-ex
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
failed_when: _result is not defined
- name: Leave OVN network alone if there are signs of other cluster networks
kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network: false
when: _result.stdout_lines | length > 1
- name: See if any other cluster switches have ports on lr0
ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/ovn-nbctl lrp-list lr0
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
failed_when: _result is not defined
- name: Leave OVN network alone if there are signs of other cluster networks
kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network: false
when: _result.stdout_lines | length > 1
- name: See if any other cluster switches are defined
ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/ovn-nbctl ls-list
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
- name: Leave OVN network alone if there are signs of other cluster networks
kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network: false
when: _result.stdout_lines | length > 1
- name: Remove logical router if tearing down OVN network
ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/ovn-nbctl --if-exists lr-del lr0
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
when: kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network
- name: Clean OVN/OVS resources (public)
ansible.builtin.command: /usr/bin/ovn-nbctl --if-exists ls-del public
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
when: kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_ovn_central_host }}"
when: hostvars[kubeinit_ovn_central_host].ovs_is_active
- name: Clean OVN/OVS resources (br-int)
bridge: br-int
state: absent
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] }}"
loop_var: kubeinit_deployment_node_name
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].ovs_is_active and kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network
- name: Clean OVN/OVS resources (br-ex)
bridge: br-ex
state: absent
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] }}"
loop_var: kubeinit_deployment_node_name
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].ovs_is_active and kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network
- name: Clean OVN/OVS resources (genev_sys_6081)
ansible.builtin.command: ip link del genev_sys_6081
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
failed_when: _result is not defined
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] }}"
loop_var: kubeinit_deployment_node_name
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].ovs_is_active and kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network
- name: Clean OVN/OVS resources (ovs-system)
ansible.builtin.command: ovs-dpctl del-dp ovs-system
register: _result
changed_when: "_result.rc == 0"
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] }}"
loop_var: kubeinit_deployment_node_name
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].ovs_is_active and kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network
- name: Stop and disable OVN services in the first hypervisor (CentOS based)
name: "{{ service_name }}"
state: stopped
enabled: false
register: _result_stop_service
failed_when: _result_stop_service is not defined
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] | product(['openvswitch', 'ovn-northd', 'ovn-controller']) }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
service_name: "{{ item[1] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: >
kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network and
(kubeinit_deployment_node_name in kubeinit_ovn_central_host) and
(hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].distribution_family == 'CentOS' or hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].distribution_family == 'Fedora')
- name: Stop and disable OVN services in the rest of the hypervisors (CentOS based)
name: "{{ service_name }}"
state: stopped
enabled: false
register: _result_stop_service
failed_when: _result_stop_service is not defined
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] | product(['openvswitch', 'ovn-controller']) }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
service_name: "{{ item[1] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: >
kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network and
(kubeinit_deployment_node_name not in kubeinit_ovn_central_host) and
(hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].distribution_family == 'CentOS' or hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].distribution_family == 'Fedora')
- name: Stop and disable OVN services in the first hypervisor (Ubuntu based)
name: "{{ service_name }}"
state: stopped
enabled: false
register: _result_stop_service
failed_when: _result_stop_service is not defined
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] | product(['openvswitch-switch', 'ovn-host', 'ovn-central']) }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
service_name: "{{ item[1] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: >
kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network and
(kubeinit_deployment_node_name in kubeinit_ovn_central_host) and
(hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].distribution_family == 'Debian')
- name: Stop and disable OVN services in the rest of the hypervisors (Ubuntu based)
name: "{{ service_name }}"
state: stopped
enabled: false
register: _result_stop_service
failed_when: _result_stop_service is not defined
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] | product(['openswitch-switch', 'ovn-host']) }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
service_name: "{{ item[1] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: >
kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network and
(kubeinit_deployment_node_name not in kubeinit_ovn_central_host) and
(hostvars[kubeinit_deployment_node_name].distribution_family == 'Debian')
- name: Delete existing OVS/OVN files
path: "{{ dir_name }}"
state: absent
loop: "{{ groups['all_hosts'] | product(['/etc/openvswitch/conf.db', '/etc/openvswitch/system-id.conf', '/var/lib/ovn/']) }}"
kubeinit_deployment_node_name: "{{ item[0] }}"
dir_name: "{{ item[1] }}"
delegate_to: "{{ kubeinit_deployment_node_name }}"
when: kubeinit_destroy_ovn_network