Playbook #1


Report Status CLI Date Duration Controller User Versions Hosts Plays Tasks Results Files Records
31 Oct 2023 08:44:29 +0000 00:45:59.97 nyctea root Ansible 2.15.2 ara 1.6.1 (client), 1.6.1 (server) Python 3.11.4 9 7 1091 1091 53 1

Task result details

Field Value
systemctl enable crio
systemctl start crio
systemctl status crio
2023-10-31 09:04:24.637660
    "module_args": {
        "_raw_params": "systemctl enable crio\nsystemctl start crio\nsystemctl status crio\n",
        "_uses_shell": true,
        "argv": null,
        "chdir": null,
        "creates": null,
        "executable": "/bin/bash",
        "removes": null,
        "stdin": null,
        "stdin_add_newline": true,
        "strip_empty_ends": true

2023-10-31 09:04:24.029415
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/cri-o.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/crio.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/crio.service.
    "Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/cri-o.service \u2192 /usr/lib/systemd/system/crio.service.",
    "Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ \u2192 /usr/lib/systemd/system/crio.service."
● crio.service - Container Runtime Interface for OCI (CRI-O)
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crio.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-10-31 09:04:24 UTC; 29ms ago
   Main PID: 10196 (crio)
      Tasks: 12
     Memory: 18.5M
        CPU: 245ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/crio.service
             └─10196 /usr/bin/crio

Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.558989476Z" level=info msg="Attempting to restore irqbalance config from /etc/sysconfig/orig_irq_banned_cpus"
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.559905830Z" level=info msg="Creating banned CPU list file \"/etc/sysconfig/orig_irq_banned_cpus\""
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.560103866Z" level=info msg="Restore irqbalance config: created backup file"
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.598863956Z" level=warning msg="Error encountered when checking whether cri-o should wipe containers: open /var/run/crio/version: no such file or directory"
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.599485360Z" level=info msg="Starting seccomp notifier watcher"
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.599694711Z" level=info msg="Create NRI interface"
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.599723579Z" level=info msg="NRI interface is disabled in the configuration."
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.600495453Z" level=error msg="Writing clean shutdown supported file: open /var/lib/crio/clean.shutdown.supported: no such file or directory"
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time="2023-10-31 09:04:24.600564185Z" level=error msg="Failed to sync parent directory of clean shutdown file: open /var/lib/crio: no such file or directory"
Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local systemd[1]: Started Container Runtime Interface for OCI (CRI-O).
    "\u25cf crio.service - Container Runtime Interface for OCI (CRI-O)",
    "     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/crio.service; enabled; preset: disabled)",
    "     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-10-31 09:04:24 UTC; 29ms ago",
    "       Docs:",
    "   Main PID: 10196 (crio)",
    "      Tasks: 12",
    "     Memory: 18.5M",
    "        CPU: 245ms",
    "     CGroup: /system.slice/crio.service",
    "             \u2514\u250010196 /usr/bin/crio",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.558989476Z\" level=info msg=\"Attempting to restore irqbalance config from /etc/sysconfig/orig_irq_banned_cpus\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.559905830Z\" level=info msg=\"Creating banned CPU list file \\\"/etc/sysconfig/orig_irq_banned_cpus\\\"\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.560103866Z\" level=info msg=\"Restore irqbalance config: created backup file\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.598863956Z\" level=warning msg=\"Error encountered when checking whether cri-o should wipe containers: open /var/run/crio/version: no such file or directory\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.599485360Z\" level=info msg=\"Starting seccomp notifier watcher\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.599694711Z\" level=info msg=\"Create NRI interface\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.599723579Z\" level=info msg=\"NRI interface is disabled in the configuration.\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.600495453Z\" level=error msg=\"Writing clean shutdown supported file: open /var/lib/crio/clean.shutdown.supported: no such file or directory\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local crio[10196]: time=\"2023-10-31 09:04:24.600564185Z\" level=error msg=\"Failed to sync parent directory of clean shutdown file: open /var/lib/crio: no such file or directory\"",
    "Oct 31 09:04:24 controller-02.k8scluster.kubeinit.local systemd[1]: Started Container Runtime Interface for OCI (CRI-O)."