Playbook #1


Report Status CLI Date Duration Controller User Versions Hosts Plays Tasks Results Files Records
26 Oct 2023 16:01:52 +0000 01:07:59.06 nyctea root Ansible 2.15.2 ara 1.6.1 (client), 1.6.1 (server) Python 3.11.4 6 6 846 846 50 1

Record: extra_information

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  ( agent version

( ==> Hosts OS: Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight) - Linux nyctea 6.4.4-200.fc38.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Jul 19 16:32:49 UTC 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
( ==> Date: 2023.
( ==> Kubeinit agent/cli version: kubeinit 
( ==> The repository is:
( ==> The branch is: main
( ==> The pull request is: latest
( ==> The distro is: k8s
( ==> The driver is: libvirt
( ==> The amount of master nodes is: 1
( ==> The amount of worker nodes is: 1
( ==> The amount of hypervisors is: 1
( ==> The job type is: periodic
( ==> The ansible deployment will be launched from: h
( ==> The ansible verbosity level is: v
( ==> The job URL:
( ==> The kubeinit spec string is: k8s-libvirt-1-1-1-h