Playbook #1


Report Status CLI Date Duration Controller User Versions Hosts Plays Tasks Results Files Records
26 Oct 2023 16:01:52 +0000 01:07:59.06 nyctea root Ansible 2.15.2 ara 1.6.1 (client), 1.6.1 (server) Python 3.11.4 6 6 846 846 50 1

File: /root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/kubeinit/kubeinit/roles/kubeinit_libvirt/tasks/60_create_cloud_user.yml

# Copyright kubeinit contributors
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

- name: "Make sure we have a group called {{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    name: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    state: present

- name: "Allow to have passwordless sudo to the group {{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    dest: /etc/sudoers
    state: present
    regexp: "^%{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    line: "%{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
    validate: 'visudo -cf %s'
    mode: '0644'

- name: "Add sudoers users to the group {{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    name: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    groups: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    append: yes
    state: present
    createhome: yes

- name: Add cloud user to libvirt
    name: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    groups: "kvm,libvirt"
    append: yes

- name: Create ssh folder
    path: "/home/{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}/.ssh/"
    owner: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    group: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    state: directory
    mode: '0700'

- name: Generate an OpenSSH keypair
    path: "/home/{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}/.ssh/id_{{ kubeinit_ssh_keytype }}"
    type: "{{ kubeinit_ssh_keytype }}"
    comment: "{{ kubeinit_cluster_name }} {{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    owner: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    group: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    regenerate: 'never'

- name: Fix owner of the generated pub key
    path: "/home/{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}/.ssh/id_{{ kubeinit_ssh_keytype }}.pub"
    owner: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    group: "{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}"
    mode: '0644'

- name: Insert the default libvirt uri in user's home
    path: "/home/{{ kubeinit_libvirt_cloud_user }}/.bashrc"
    line: export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:///system
    mode: '0644'